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Results 1-10 of 118 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-12-27Laws Codified in Titles 40 and 41 (and Repealed as Separate Laws)Section 809 Panel
2018-03-19Sections Removed from Title 10 Repeal Package, with Comments from DoDSection 809 Panel
2018-06-30Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #31 - Eliminate the Statutory and Regulatory Distinction between Personal Services Contracts (PSC) and Nonpersonal Services (NPS) ContractsSection 809 Panel
2018-01-31Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #8 - Establish Statutory Time Limits for Defense Oversight ActivitiesSection 809 Panel
2019-01-15Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #65 - Increase the Acquisition Thresholds of the Davis-Bacon Act, the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, and the Services Contract Act to $2 MillionSection 809 Panel
2018-06-30Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #27 - Improve Resourcing, Allocation, and Management of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund (DAWDF)Section 809 Panel
2018-06-30Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #26 - Convert the Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) from an Indefinite Demonstration Project to a Permanent Personnel SystemSection 809 Panel
2019-05-08Defense Acquisition Laws Reorganization Bill: Final DraftSection 809 Panel
2018-06-30Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #30 - Reshape Cost Accounting Standards Program Requirements to Function Better in a Changed Acquisition EnvironmentSection 809 Panel
2018-01-31Section 809 Panel - Recommendation #28 - Simplify the Selection of Sources for Commercial Products and ServicesSection 809 Panel