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Title: Disruptive and Sustaining Technology Development Approaches in Defense Acquisition
Authors: Gene Warner
Keywords: Technology Development Approach
Contract Award
Defense Acquisition
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Issue Date: 30-Apr-2014
Publisher: Acquisition Research Program
Citation: Published--Unlimited Distribution
Series/Report no.: Small Business
Abstract: This study explores the relationship between an organizations technology development approach (TDA) and its success in winning SBIR Phase 1 competitions. The research posits a difference in SBIR Phase 1 success between companies using sustaining and disruptive TDA. Companies responding to DARPA SBIR Phase 1 solicitations are surveyed to determine their approach to developing technology solutions. A newly developed instrument is used to identify disruptive and sustaining TDA. Demographic data, SBIR success, and data on TDA are collected. Principal axis factoring was used to identify four orthogonal factors related to TDA. The factors were interpreted and a new objective scale was developed to measure sustaining TDA. No equivalent scale was developed for disruptive TDA. Correlation and regression analyses indicated TDA is a contributing factor in SBIR Phase 1 success. Focus on the defense market and company inventiveness as measured by patent activity are also predictors. The findings indicate TDA mediates a company's focus and success at winning SBIR Phase 1 contracts. Implications for defense acquisition and disruptive innovation are discussed. A new conceptual framework linking focus, capability, inventiveness, and TDA with SBIR Phase 1 success is proposed for further research.
Description: Acquisition Management / Defense Acquisition Community Contributor
Appears in Collections:Annual Acquisition Research Symposium Proceedings & Presentations

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