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Title: Section 809 Panel Recommends Changing "Once 8(a), Always 8(a)" Rule
Authors: Steven Koprince
Keywords: Section 809 Panel
Small Business Administration
Contracting Officer
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
Small Business
8(A) Program
Issue Date: 23-Jan-2019
Publisher: SmallGovCon
Citation: Unlimited Distribution
Series/Report no.: Media - SEC809
Abstract: Under the so-called once 8(a), always 8(a) rule set forth in the FAR and SBA regulations, when a procurement has been accepted by the SBA for inclusion in the 8(a) Program, any follow-on contract generally must remain in the 8(a) Program, unless the SBA agrees to release it for non-8(a) competition. Now, the Section 809 Panel has proposed a modest, but potentially important change to the once 8(a), always 8(a) rule a change that would allow for acquisitions to be removed from the 8(a) Program without the SBA’s explicit consent.
Appears in Collections:Section 809 Panel: Reports, Recommendations & Resource Library

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