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Title: Analyzing Culture and Readiness: A Marine Corps Reserve Dilemma
Authors: Diego Alvarez
Keywords: Competing Values Framework
Marine Forces Reserves
Select Marine Corps Reserves
Issue Date: 23-Oct-2023
Publisher: Acquisition Research Program
Citation: Published--Unlimited Distribution
Series/Report no.: Acquisition Management;NPS-AM-23-232
Abstract: This thesis generates a conceptual framework to support identifying metrics of the four dimensions of unit culture that can predict Marine Forces Reserves (MARFORRES) activation readiness. Using the Competing Values Framework’s Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument, I identify metrics of unit culture among data currently collected by MARFORRES and test their ability to predict activation readiness. Further, I examine whether the relation between unit culture and activation readiness differs by major subordinate command characteristics, such as size. To that end, I estimate linear regression models of unit culture and major subordinate commands using metrics from Borrego on mental health readiness and attrition rates across 27 MARFORRES units. I find little variation in metrics of unit culture and no ability to predict mental health readiness. Additionally, the use of correlation analysis found both positive and negative correlations between culture and the Force Readiness Activation Assessment Program’s inspection results. Understanding the impact of unit leadership culture on readiness, SMCR leaders can change the construct of their unit’s organizational culture to meet the demanding requirements of activation readiness. The analysis suggests that Control and Compete cultures have positive impacts on a unit’s ability to activate. I recommend and outline steps for conducting future research and to promote these culture types prior to the activation of a unit.
Description: Acquisition Management / Graduate Student Research
Appears in Collections:NPS Graduate Student Theses & Reports

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