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Showing results 2346 to 2365 of 4351 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-04-30Inherent Moral Hazards in Acquisition: Improving Contractor Cooperation in Government as the Integrator (GATI) ProgramsWilliam Novak; Julie Cohen; Andrew Moore; William Casey; Bud Mishra
2017-05-17Initial Findings of the Section 809 Panel: Setting the Path for Streamlining and Improving Defense Acquisition; Hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States House of RepresentativesCommittee on Armed Services, United States House of Representatives
2010-02-01Injecting New Ideas & New Approaches in Defense Systems: Are "Other Transactions" an Answer?Richard Dunn
2009-04-01Injecting New Ideas and New Approaches in Defense Systems: Are Other Transactions an Answer?Richard L. Dunn
2009-05-01Injecting New Ideas and New Approaches in Defense Systems: Are Other Transactions an Answer?Richard L. Dunn
2013-04-30Innovating Naval Business Using a War GameNickolas Guertin; Brian Womble; Paul Bruhns
2022-05-06Innovation and Middle Tier AcquisitionsAmir Etemadi, John Kamp
2010-05-13Innovation in Defense Acquisition Oversight: An Exploration of the AT&L Acquisition Visibility SOARobert M. Flowe; Russell Vogel
2024-05-01Innovation in Software Acquisition: The Good, Bad, and UglyJeff Dunlap
2024-08-27Innovation in Software Acquisition: The Good, Bad, and UglyJeff Dunlap
2015-05-13Innovation in Workforce IncentivesVenkat Rao
2023-05-01The Innovation Paradox – Merging Process with Disruptive Thinking to Accelerate Capability Transition to the War Fighter Through the Educational Innovation Capstone ProcessRaymond Jones
2008-02-01Innovations in Defense Acquisition Auctions: Lessons Learned and Alternative Mechanism DesignsPeter Coughlan; William Gates; Jennifer Lamping
2008-04-01Innovations in Defense Acquisition Auctions: Lessons Learned and Alternative Mechanism DesignsWilliam Gates; Peter Coughlin
2010-01-01Innovations in Defense Acquisition: Asymmetric Information and Incentive Contract DesignPeter Coughlan; William Gates
2011-02-03Innovations in Defense Acquisition: Asymmetric Information, Mechanism Design and Prediction MarketsPeter Coughlan; William Gates; Jeremy Arkes
2010-05-13Innovations in DoD Acquisition PolicyJohn T. Dillard
2020-04-23An Innovative Approach to Assessing DoD Contracting Workforce CompetencyRene G. Rendon; Brett Schwartz
2021-05-10An Innovative Approach to Assessing DoD Contracting Workforce CompetencyRene G. Rendon, Brett Schwartz
2021-02-26An Innovative Approach to Assessing DoD Contracting Workforce CompetencyRene G. Rendon, Brett Schwartz