Since 2004, the Acquisition Research Program (ARP) at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) hosts a symposium annually for the acquisition community to focus on the business of defese acquisition. This symposium provides a forum for the presentation of current scholarly defense-focused acquisition research, as well as for dialogue between scholars, acquisition policy-makers, NPS students, practitioners, industry, FFRDCs and URACs. Papers/presentations are given by expert researchers from NPS and US universities/think tanks on recently completed defense-focused research and by thought leaders from DoD, industry and URAC/FFRDCs. The annual acquisition research symposium also serves an essential part of the graduate student learning experience at NPS. Students attend and participate in panel sessions to be enriched and to provide their valuable insights. The symposium also provides students the opportunity to present their research project results and/or socialize their current research topics to symposium participants at the annual student research poster show.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Prepared for the Acquisition Research Program at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943
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