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Title: Evaluating the Defense Contract Auditing Process
Other Titles: Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations House Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives
Authors: David Berteau
Keywords: Simplify Acquisition
Defense Cost Accounting Standards Board
Cost Accounting Standards
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
Issue Date: 6-Apr-2017
Publisher: Professional Services Council
Citation: Unlimited Distribution
Series/Report no.: Simplify Acquisition - Audit and Oversight
Abstract: Today I will make several specific recommendations on the roles and responsibilities of the Defense Contracting Audit Agency (DCAA) below. I will also offer some priorities and criteria that PSC would urge you to keep in mind as your subcommittee focuses on evaluating the defense contract auditing process, both in this hearing and in your future efforts. They include: defining proper materiality and relevance standards for contract audits, sustaining a robust contractor base, ensuring vendors remain interested in bidding, and helping the government's acquisition processes provide better access to innovation.
Appears in Collections:Section 809 Panel: Reports, Recommendations & Resource Library

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